The rules of Groll und Ärger


There are 4 players – one human and 3 computer-based enemies -There are 4 players – one human and 3 computer-based enemies – playing with 2 card decks and 3 jokers per deck. Each player gets 10 cards on its deck and 5 cards on its hand. Only the card on top of each deck has to be visible on hand.


Eliminate all cards of player’s deck and last all player’s cards.



Each player must turn around the first card of its deck.

  1. The active player takes a card from deck.
  2. Now he is able to start one file (of 5) with an ace followed by a the, the 3 … and the queen. The king completes the filing and a new ace can be applied. He is also able to apply cards on exiting files.
    1. He should take cards from deck first to eliminate it!
    2. He should take cards from hand only to support eliminating the deck!
  3. Last, the active player has to discard a card from his hand and the next player starts his turn!
  4. After each turn all players must count at least 5 cards on Hand.

The goal of the game is to reduce the own deck to zero. A player has won the game when all cards on hand can be played in a turn.

That’s all. Download Groll und Ärger written in java