What does it mean, Graph2PWL?

An Introduction

LTspice is an analog circiut simulator with integrated schematic capture and waveform viewer designed by Linear Technology Corporation. It is freely distributed  in the interest of allowing potential customers to simulate electronic products in a faster simulator. Further, LTspice is not crippled to limit its capability so that it will be useful in a wide area.

And what about Graph2PWL?

LTspice supports many voltage sources like PWL means Piece Wise Linear Points. A PWL file contains a voltage/time table with unlimited length. The program „Graph2PWL“ is able to generate those PWL tables. It supports a graphical input pane in which the user can draw, save and load different voltage forms.


If you have interest in electronic stuff and you sometime simulate your design, this tool could help you generating wave forms.

Download Graph2PWL written in java.