Yes, everybody knows the situation. You are in vacation and you would like to switch electric consumers at home to scare burglars. The obvious way is the use of the internet in conjunction with a web server at home – greatings to the raspberry pi :-). Of course, good idea but I don’t have such server and this procedure implies an internet access where I am currently! So, my solution needs only a (mobil) phone with you and this feasible gadget at home! Let’s go.

Ok, the hopefully description follows:
– we need a (mobile) phone
– we need a phone system with a free phone number (link to an analogue port, where our gadget connetced to)
– we need a control initiator (is still in progress) with following features:
– acception of a phone call
– interpreting of key codes
– reformating the information and
– sending them via 868MHz over the air
– we need a control target (is still in progress) with following features:
– receiving information via air in the spectrum of 868MHz
– interpreting the information and
– trigger a real (physical) action like „switch on light in the living room“

Have you got some questions, feel free to contact me.